# How to find potential financial & development incentives for a property or place
Chicago Cityscape has assembled the single largest database of financial & development incentives in Illinois. At the time of publication we have 39 incentives that are based on geography (the location of a business or property). [Incentives Checker](/incentiveschecker.php) is our exclusive tool to determine if an Address or a Place is potentially eligible for these incentives.
This Knowledge Base article will discuss:
1. Which incentives Chicago Cityscape has in its database
2. Finding incentives for a particular address
3. Finding incentives available in a place or area
4. Use Property Finder to find properties that are potentially eligible for an incentive based on geography
## What incentives we have
Review the [Incentives Checker](http://chicagocityscape.com/incentiveschecker.php) marketing page to see the names and descriptions of all incentives that would be checked, but without having to look up a Property Report or a Place Report.
The list includes many incentives you may know about and already have ways to find on other maps, including TIF districts and Enterprise Zones, but Chicago Cityscape also shows where [Neighborhood Opportunity Funds](http://chicagocityscape.com/maps/investmentzones.php) can be invested, where apartment owners can get lower-cost secondary loans for unit rehab, and areas where cannabis tax revenues can be granted for social services.
## How to find incentives
Like most of the data on Chicago Cityscape, it can be found by address and PIN (Property Report), or by Place and area (Place Report). Additionally, Incentives Checker works with your Personal Places.
- [Look up an address or PIN now](http://chicagocityscape.com/address.php)
- [Look up a Place or area now](http://chicagocityscape.com/maps/index.php)
- [Draw a Personal Place now](http://chicagocityscape.com/draw.php), or [[Personal Place|learn how to draw a Personal Place]]
Incentives Checker shows all incentives that are applicable to a location you look up. Each incentive has different rules and regulations, which are not explained on Chicago Cityscape. Each incentive also applies to different project types and land uses.
The Incentives Checker results are searchable. Search for keywords like "housing", "residential", and "industrial" to show only incentives that are targeted towards those project types.
Incentives Checker is available to Cityscape Real Estate Pro members and those who make a one-time purchase of an Property Report or Place Report.
## How to find incentives at an Address
- Look up an address or PIN and access its Property Report.
- In the table of contents, locate and click on the "Incentives Checker" link, or use the table of contents search field to search for "incentives" and then click the link (see *screenshot 1*).
- The page will jump to the Incentives Checker section. Click the "Load Incentives Checker" button and after a moment a table will appear showing each of the incentives that was checked (see *screenshot 2*).
- The status of whether this address or PIN is potentially eligible for a given incentive is indicated by a green checkmark, meaning it's likely eligible because of its location, or an orange "x", meaning it's likely ineligible given its location (see *screenshot 3*).
By default, only the first 5 potentially eligible incentives are shown. Use the dropdown menu below the table to increase the number shown.

*Screenshot 1 showing a table of contents being searched for the keyword 'incentives'*

*Screenshot 2 showing the 'Load incentives checker' button*

*Screenshot 3 showing the Incentives Checker results table*
## How to find incentives in a Place
1. Look up a Place or area and access its Place Report. (Browse all of the Places in our Places Explorer map and database.)
2. In the table of contents, locate and click on the "Incentives Checker" link, or use the table of contents search field to search for "incentives" and then click the link (see *screenshot 1* above).
3. The page will jump to the Incentives Checker section. Click the "Load Incentives Checker" button and after a moment a table will appear showing each of the incentives that was checked (see *screenshot 2* above).
4. The status of whether this Place has parts that are eligible for a given incentive is indicated by a green checkmark, meaning it's likely eligible because of its location, or an orange "x", meaning it's likely ineligible given its location (see *screenshot 3* above).
Not all incentives will appear on the Incentives Checker map in a Place Report, but the table below the map is accurate. A green checkmark indicates that at least some part of the Place overlaps with one of the incentives.
## Property Finder
Property Finder is Chicago Cityscape's primary tool for filtering through 1.9 million properties in Chicago and Cook County according to your granular search criteria. Property Finder is equipped with several incentives. Click the checkbox next to one or more of these incentives and only properties that are potentially eligible for them, based on location, will show in the resulting map and spreadsheet.
![[Pasted image 20240704003137.png]]
*Screenshot 4 showing the Property Finder filter for certain incentives*
Property Finder has these incentives options in the filter:
- Qualified Census Tract (QCT) - Useful for affordable housing developers.
- Opportunity Area (IHDA) - Useful for affordable housing developers or any housing developer seeking funding from the Illinois Housing Development Authority.
- Opportunity Zone
- Enterprise Zone - These are state-designated areas administered by local governments. At the most basic, they waive states sales taxes on construction materials and exempt certain sales from the state's portion of Real Estate Transfer Tax (RETT).
- TIF District - We have all TIF districts in Chicago and Cook County.
- INVEST South/West corridor - This is where the City of Chicago is focusing its investment efforts and may offer assistance and funding to proposed projects here. (This program is over but we retain the maps.)
- MMRP - Micro Market Recovery Program is a homebuying program administered by the City of Chicago.
- New Markets Tax Credits - NMTC incentivizes the development of mixed-use (leaning towards retail and commercial) in lower-income areas. The same areas increase renewable energy tax credits per the Inflation Reduction Act.
- Affordable Housing Special Assessment Program (AHSAP / HB 2621) - This property tax abatement, started in 2022, reduces the assessed value in designated areas (including downtown Chicago) for residential developments that include a minimum amount of affordable dwelling units. Learn more: [[Low Affordability Community]].
To filter properties in a Place Report for any of these filters, click the checkbox next to one or more incentive and then click the "Apply properties" button. The more checkboxes you click the fewer properties that will result because Property Finder will locate properties that have all of the incentives you select.
# Related articles
- [[TIF district reports]]