# Housing calculator for properties in Chicago
Every Property Report for a Chicago property that's based on a PIN can calculate the number of dwelling units allowed at that property given the *current* zoning district and a *proposed* (by you) zoning district.
## How to use housing calculator
1. Search for an address in Chicago and select its PIN to open a Property Report, or search for a PIN directly to open a Property Report.
2. In the table of contents, select "Zoning assessment".
3. In the rightmost column of Zoning assessment look for the heading "Dwelling unit calculator". The calculator will have already calculated the number of homes allowed on this property. If you don't see a calculator result here that means that the Property Report is not based on a PIN or the property's current zoning district doesn't allow residential; either result will be indicated along with instructions on what to do.
![[Pasted image 20240726172436.png]]
## How to propose an upzone and get a new calculation
It's possible to use the calculator to re-calculate the number of dwelling units allowed by selecting a different zoning district.
1. Still looking at the column with the heading "Dwelling unit calculator", scroll down to "Change the zoning district".
2. Select inside the field under the heading "Change the zoning district" and select a different zoning district. It's possible to search this list.
3. After selecting a different zoning district, the calculator will refresh to show new results based on the proposed zoning district.
If you would to actually upzone a property's assigned zoning district you will need to submit a zoning change application for a "zoning map amendment". Contact a land use or zoning attorney for assistance; Chicago Cityscape can recommend a couple.
![[Pasted image 20240726172408.png]]
# Related articles
- [[Zoning Assessment]], part of the [[Play - Property Report|Property Report]]
- [[Super Parcel]]. This allows you to use housing calculator for properties that are spread across multiple PINs or parcels.